My Love She's But a Lassie Yet
Robert Burns
My love she's but a lassie yet
Oh My love she's but a lassie yet
We'll let her stand a year or twa
She'll no be half sae saucy yet

I rue the day I sought her O
I rue the day I sought her O
Wha gets her needs na say he's woo'd
But he may say he's bought her O!


Come, draw a drap o' the best o't yet;
Come, draw a drap o' the best o't yet;
Gae seek for pleasure where ye will
But here I never miss'd it yet.

We're all dry wi' drinkin o't
We're all dry wi' drinkin o't
The minister kissed the fiddler's wife
He could na preach for thinkin o't

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